Statement of Impartiality

Statement of Impartiality

International Associates shall never:

  • Provide management system consultancy which includes: preparation or production of manuals or procedures, or give specific advice, instructions or solutions towards the development, structure and implementation of a quality management system, environmental management systems and food safety management system.
  • Certify a quality management system, environmental management systems, medical device management system on which it provides any consultancy.
  • Offer certification when relationships that threaten impartiality cannot be eliminated or minimised.
  • Certify another certification body for management systems.
  • Certify a client when a relationship with a management systems consultancy poses an unacceptable threat to impartiality.
  • Provide an internal audit service to any certified clients.
  • Outsource any audits to a management consultancy company involved in management systems as described with the scope of these scheme rules.
  • Have within any marketing materials any linkage to management system consultancy.
  • Not allocate any auditor(s) to audit any Social Accountability Scheme where the auditor(s) have also provided training for company requesting the audit.
  • Be directly involved in the design, manufacture or construction, the marketing, installation, use or maintenance of products, nor represent the parties engaged in those activities.
  • Engage in any activity that may conflict with independence of judgement or integrity in relation to conformity assessment under notification.
  • Pay auditors and/or inspectors on the basis of the number of audits and/or inspections undertaken.

For any threats to impartiality that are discovered or reported, then the impartiality committee shall be informed and responses shall be made and communicated. Breaches in the policies of International Associates can be anonymously reported using our whistle blowing channel. Here

Our Advantages


The most fundamental of all our work principles is that if the client is happy, then weโ€™re too. Too often, we hear that clients have not got timely responses to a request for assessments. We work hard to ensure we have the necessary resources in place to service our clients in a timely manner.

Value Added

We offer a value added service that not only encompasses the assessment of your systems.

Cost Effective

We believe in giving a great service whilst also maintaining a competitive cost structure. We do this by operation a lean flat management company allowing you to deal with the decision makers

Our Values

Many businesses feel hampered by overly complex systems, with document trails that simply confuse and frustrate. We believe in a โ€˜Keep it Simpleโ€™ approach which creates clear, straightforward management system assessments that support your business. By continually reviewing our services, we ensure our processes always work efficiently for you.

To find out more about our services please contact us here using the contact us form or call +44 141 3 28 29 28 or email