

Complaints against IA

If a client has a complaint about the conduct of any IA. Auditor, then this should be sent in writing to the IA Quality Manager. If the complaint involves the Quality or Scheme Manager, then the complaint is to be addressed to the Chairman of the Governing Board of IA.

Complaints received by IA Clients

All Clients are required to maintain a log of all Customer Complaints raised against them. This log must be available for review during all Assessment and Surveillance Visits. This log shall also be available to IA Staff upon request.

Complaints received by IA about clients

If complaints are received by IA directly from the users of IAโ€™s Clients about their products and/or services, they will be investigated; this may require a client Visit which will incur extra cost. However, wherever possible investigations will be carried out during Surveillance Visits.


Complaint Form

    Our Advantages


    The most fundamental of all our work principles is that if the client is happy, then were too. Too often, we hear that clients have not received timely responses to a request for assessments. We work hard to ensure we have the necessary resources in place to service our clients in a timely manner.

    Value Added

    We offer a value-added service that not only encompasses the assessment of your systems.

    Cost Effective

    We believe in giving a great service while also maintaining a competitive cost structure. We do this by operation a lean flat management company allowing you to deal with the decision makers.

    Our Values

    Many businesses feel hampered by overly complex systems, with document trails that simply confuse and frustrate. We believe in a โ€˜Keep it Simpleโ€™ approach which creates clear, straightforward management system assessments that support your business. By continually reviewing our services, we ensure our processes always work efficiently for you.

    To find out more about our services please contact us here using the contact us form or call +44 141 3 28 29 28 or email